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Taiwan is one of the world's largest skincare OEM producers

The global OEM market size for skincare products reached $20.3 Billion in 2020, according to the Global Market Report. 

In 2027, the expected value is $30 with an Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 5.6%. Taiwan is expected to have a 15% share

of the global market with $4.0 Billion, making it one of the very top skincare OEM producers in the world.

According to the TAIWAN COSMETIC INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION , the market is driven by two key factors. Taiwan’s 

technological asset in the skincare industry and the growing demand for skincare products worldwide. 

 Taiwan is one of the worlds largest skincare OEM producers (图1)

Taiwan advanced technology has played an important role in gaining market shares in the world rapid growth of skincare 

products these past years. This was based on the following assets: 

High level of technology

As one of the most advanced countries in technology, Taiwan’s skincare manufacturers benefit from world-class assets.

It includes professional technicians, production facilities, expertise in raw materials procurement, product development, 

production, packaging, warehousing, logistics, etc.

Reliable quality

Taiwan skincare manufacturers are recognized worldwide for meeting the highest international standard of quality control. 

It relies on decades of experience, strict procedures and advanced technology equipment. 


The culture of service

Taiwan’s culture of service is characterized by a high level of excellence in quality service that is based on customer needs. 

In the world of tailor-made service in all aspects of product development, the Taiwan manufacturers are pioneers and still

global leaders. They are famous for their great flexibility and their ability to create custom solutions.

High brand awareness

For decades, Taiwan skincare manufacturers have developed a large number of world-famous customers. This group 

includes well-known brands with strong brand recognition in Europe, US, Japan, South Korea, and more.

With customers able to trust high-quality products and secure and efficient services, the future of the Taiwan skincare 

industry looks bright.

There is no doubt that skincare manufacturers in Taiwan will continue to innovate, provide excellent service and maintain 

their top leading position in the global skincare market.